London, England Academic Year or     

   Semester Programs    

From Stonehenge and Tower Bridge to Eton and Oxford, England is loaded with admired icons of accomplished eras. But it aswell does change with aplomb and brio larboard over from its canicule in the never-setting sun. Fashion, accomplished dining, clubbing, arcade – England’s ante with the world’s best. As a visitor, you can aces your admired allotment of a “Englishness” and allow yourself in a country with a belled aftertaste for nostalgia.

    API in London, England: University of Westminster

               API offers several universities in Leeds and London with amazing abstraction away options, as able-bodied as all-embracing internships in London.
Pursue science, literature, or business at the University of Leeds. Participate in an internship while demography all-embracing relations courses at the University of Westminster. Rub amateur with aristocratic acceptance from about the apple at the London School of Economics. Choose from a advanced array of flat art options at the campuses or the University of the Arts, London. Yield courses in axial London at a top American academy at the Florida State University Abstraction Center. Or, conceivably yield courses at one of the top 5 universities in the apple – University College London!

In accession to the abstraction away affairs at the University of Westminster which appearance an bookish “plus” internship option, API is appreciative to action professionally-focused internship programs in London. These internships are offered on a anchored or adjustable date schedule, and action the befalling to acquire bookish acclaim in a array of fields, including: STEM, all-embracing business, education, arts and design, law, amusing sciences, sports, accommodation and tourism, and abundant more!

     CEA: Study Abroad in London, England

             Choose the bookish affairs that best apparel your academy amount and accepted constituent needs. Our CEA university ally accommodate across and abyss of abstraction away opportunities in London’s multicultural melting pot. With admission to anniversary university’s abounding class additional the advantage to yield courses accurately advised for all-embracing students, you will acquisition the appropriate fit for your bookish needs and claimed goals. Goldsmiths College, a allotment of University of London, is acclaimed for its artistic More...

             With admission to anniversary university’s abounding class additional the advantage to yield courses accurately advised for all-embracing students, you will acquisition the appropriate fit for your bookish needs and claimed goals. Goldsmiths College, a allotment of University of London, is acclaimed for its artistic More.

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