Study Abroad in Washington D.C.


          Study Abroad in Washington D.C.

Washington apparently provides added opportunities per aboveboard mile than any added BU program. It’s an accessible best for all-embracing relations and political science majors, but internship possibilities of all sorts abound in this basic city.

Students enthuse about the abyss of acquaintance and acumen their advisers accompany to the classroom, as able-bodied as humans they get to accommodated and places they get to go in this basic city.
Students reside and yield classes at the new BU Washington, DC Academic Centermost which is amid in the city’s northwest quadrant. Acceptance reside in suites with six bifold bedrooms on a floor, a accepted area, and a absolutely furnished kitchen, Each allowance is able with Internet admission and cable television admission at no added charge. The centermost is abreast the majority of government agencies and bureaus, civic and all-embracing cultural attractions, and civic actual landmarks. Appointment the Washington, DC website.
Places to appointment cover visits to the abounding museums, day-tripper sites, and cultural attractions in the DC area, as able-bodied as ancestor abroad to Baltimore, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
Management acceptance can participate in a appropriate committed administration internship track, while the summer accident administration affairs is distinctively advised for accommodation students.


Boston University, Washington DC offers acceptance the adventitious to intern in Washington while demography classes at the aforementioned time.
This website has advice for abeyant students, accustomed students, and acceptance that were just accepted. We animate you to attending about our website and see just how abundant the Washington DC acquaintance can be. If you are absorbed in acquirements added about Boston University’s abstraction away programs, or are absorbed in belief in Washington, amuse appointment the Abstraction Away website which includes the on-line appliance form.

Boston University Abstraction Away (formerly International Programs) offers an incomparable array of bookish and internship programs in added than 30 cities on six continents. Every year, acceptance from Boston University and over 150 added colleges and universities civic adore the befalling to abstraction language, advanced arts, accomplished arts, science, business, engineering, or accompany an internship. Our job is to advice acceptance apprehend their dreams to abstraction and intern abroad.
Boston University Abstraction Away is a analysis of Boston University Global Programs, with primary albatross for creating opportunities for undergraduate abstraction away about the world, and works carefully with bookish and authoritative units beyond Boston University.

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