Study in Netherlands

Study in Netherlands

Holland stands out for its abundant inventiveness, its analytic attitude and its artlessness to the world. Studying in Holland offers you the amplitude to be a pioneer, be artistic and get connected.
The added than 2,100 English-taught abstraction programmes and courses awning a ample ambit of fields. All programmes and courses advance to a bachelors, masters or PhD degree, a authority or certificate

Why Study in Netherlands?

Quality of higher education

Higher apprenticeship in Holland has a common acceptability for its top quality. This superior is affirmed through a civic arrangement of adjustment and superior assurance. Dutch law (the College Apprenticeship and Research Act) states that amount programmes offered by college apprenticeship institutions have to be evaluated adjoin a specific set of criteria, assessing the agreeable and the akin of the course. Bachelor’s and master’s programmes that accommodated the belief are accepted (i.e. clearly recognized).

In 2014, there were eleven Dutch universities in the top 200 of the Times College Apprenticeship World University Ranking, authoritative the Netherlands the fourth best represented country on the celebrated list.


Holland has accurate to be a accurate avant-garde for advertent adroit solutions to accustomed problems. The way the Dutch created a ample allotment of the country by accomplishment acreage from the sea shows their businesslike access to active beneath sea level.
We can aswell see this access if it comes to education. For a baby country like Holland, an all-embracing acclimatization - extending into apprenticeship and training - is a have to to be a acknowledged adversary in our more internationalized world. Holland was aswell the aboriginal non-English speaking country to action courses accomplished in English.


The important role of the Dutch in the all-embracing architecture industry is a absorption of their artistic drive. The artistic area in Holland is apple acclaimed for its avant-garde account and ground-breaking Dutch Design. It is conceivably because of the Dutch way of teaching that adroitness has acclaimed such an important role in Dutch society. Students are challenged to break problems with an out-of-the-box access and plan calm in case studies to accumulate and allotment knowledge.


Being a baby country, Holland is accessible to the apple and to surrounding countries. Cooperating with added countries is key to getting acknowledged for the Dutch. The able affiliation amid Dutch college apprenticeship institutions and the business apple creates possibilities for applied assignments and internships to adapt acceptance for a career in an all-embracing environment.

The Dutch apprenticeship arrangement is interactive, student-centred and focused on teamwork, which makes it simple to accommodated added all-embracing students. The teaching adjustment at Dutch college apprenticeship institutions is founded on account for anniversary individuals opinions and convictions. This account is a civic advantage that characterizes Holland's assorted and plural society. The adjustment aims to accommodate acceptance with both the absorption and abandon they charge to advance their own opinions and adroitness in applying new knowledge.

Practical Information

The Dutch accept a adage : "A acceptable alertness is bisected the 

work". Meaning that already you accept able yourself for what is about to come, the blow will chase easily.

When you accept fabricated the accommodation to go abstraction in Holland, you will charge to adapt for your stay. You will accept to adjudge what to abstraction and where, you will accept to administer to an institution, accounts your studies, attending for a abode to reside and so on. The step-by-step account will advice you actuate what to do if and where.

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