Study away in South Korea, acreage of technology and affluent tradition, and you will be engulfed in a assorted ability abounding of ambition, independence, and certainty.

GEOGRAPHY & DEMOGRAPHICSThe Republic of South Korea is amid on the southern bisected of the Korean Peninsula, belted in by the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. Around seventy percent of the country is mountainous. The altitude is actual algid and dry in the winter, and actual hot and boiling in the summer. While the accent of abstraction away programs will a lot of acceptable be English, Korean is the capital accent of the country’s 48.87 actor inhabitants
.Korean cuisine generally varies according to the season, so our aftertaste of Korean cuisine will depend on the time of the year you’re belief abroad. South Korea has acceptable cuisine with a advanced array of flavors that hit every allotment of your palate. Kimchi refers to acerb pickled vegetables, commonly cabbage, with a array of seasoning, generally spicy. Banchan are little ancillary dishes fabricated up of pickled vegetables, noodles or a array of fish, which are placed in the average of the table to be shared. Usually, commons abide of rice, soup, banchan, kimchi and a meat dish. Meat lovers will rejoice over pulgogi, Korean barbecue: attenuate slices of beef marinated with soy sauce, sesame oil, and added spices.The humans of Korea accept able traditions of which they are actual proud. The Gangneung Danoje Anniversary is the better civic festival, captivated to adjure for a acceptable harvest. Music, dance, literature, drama, and handicrafts reflect the history and activity of commoners. You will aswell be able to partake in a acceptable tea ceremony, meant to advice Koreans acquisition alleviation and accord in the fast-paced new Korean culture.\
THINGS TO DOFrom the ancient tombs of Jisandong to the spectacular beaches of Songjeong, South Korea has so much to offer. Some of these amazing destinations might be added into your study abroad program as excursions — work with your program provider to figure out if and what excursions are included. Check out the Hwaseong Fortress located 30 miles south of Seoul and surrounding the center of Suwon. The fortress was built from 1794-1796 and stretches for about 3.5 miles. It is quite the sight to see! Also, if you enjoy shopping you can’t miss the Dongdaenum Night market. It is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul, and has more than 30,000 shops.STUDYING IN SOUTH KOREAIf you like the hustle and bustle of big-city life, Seoul, the basic of South Korea, has several options for abstraction abroad. In Seoul, best institutions such as Seoul International University and Yonsei University action courses in a array of bookish fields, including Asian studies. For a abate city, analysis out Ajou University, amid in Suwon and alms courses in business and amusing sciences.In adjustment to abstraction away in South Korea, you charge an abreast and accurate passport. If your abstraction appellation is best than 90 days, you are appropriate to get a apprentice acceptance for South Korea. You won’t charge a acceptance if you are accommodating in a concise abstraction away program, and blockage in the country for beneath than 90 days. Apply for your apprentice acceptance through the Korean consulate

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